This Artist Profile appeared today in Busybird Publishing's newsletter 'From the Nest: September 2013'
Why did you get into painting?
Driving through Kapunda on a holiday in South Australia I stumbled across 'Salon Rouge', the Studio Gallery of a magnificent artist, Jacqueline Coates. Jacqueline's sublime and breathtaking floral paintings opened my eyes to a whole new world and my subsequent mentorship with Jacqueline filled a creative void and gave new meaning to my life.
What do you feel you get from painting?
Painting gives me the chance to revel in the beauty of nature – which is my inspiration – and to create pieces which will uplift and inspire.
Painting gives me the chance to revel in the beauty of nature – which is my inspiration – and to create pieces which will uplift and inspire.
What do you see in nature?
I see a sacred beauty in the natural world and personality in individual trees and flowers – I feel such an intimacy with my painting subjects that my paintings feel more like portraits than traditional florals and when I'm surrounded by my paintings I feel like I am amongst treasured friends.
I see a sacred beauty in the natural world and personality in individual trees and flowers – I feel such an intimacy with my painting subjects that my paintings feel more like portraits than traditional florals and when I'm surrounded by my paintings I feel like I am amongst treasured friends.
You had a life-changing event -- how did that affect your art?
A beautiful vision of a light-filled rose-garden following emergency brain surgery illuminated my path forward as an artist. I could see the world with new eyes – I feel constantly amazed by the beauty and wonder around me and have a burning desire to share my vision of hope and inspiration with the world through my art.
A beautiful vision of a light-filled rose-garden following emergency brain surgery illuminated my path forward as an artist. I could see the world with new eyes – I feel constantly amazed by the beauty and wonder around me and have a burning desire to share my vision of hope and inspiration with the world through my art.
What's next?
I am currently painting a body of work entitled 'The Radiance of Roses' – glorious rose portraits on circular canvases – with the view of exhibiting the work and producing an inspiring gift book to accompany the show.
I am currently painting a body of work entitled 'The Radiance of Roses' – glorious rose portraits on circular canvases – with the view of exhibiting the work and producing an inspiring gift book to accompany the show.
Find a subject matter you are truly passionate about, because that love will shine through in your paintings. Surround yourself with inspiration. Take the time to visit galleries and attend workshops.
Michelle Endersby's exhibition, 'Floribunda', is currently displaying at the Busybird Studio ~ Gallery until 14th September.